It they toned down the Argonian colors, which in someways make sense in someways, but it might not be popular with all. I'm really curious in how the Khajit will be done.
These are Khajit:
So are these:
They are both canon and according to UESP:
Khajiit are each subtly bound to the Lunar Lattice, a mysterious force entitled the ja'Kha'jay in their native tongue. The Lunar Lattice determines the form a Khajiit assumes in life, according to the phases of Masser and Secunda at the time of their birth; while Khajiiti newborns appear incredibly similar to one another at birth, their future form becomes clear in a matter of weeks. This is due in part to the fact that, although born smaller than the children of either man or mer, the Khajiiti mature at a significantly faster rate.
It is imperative to note that while the Khajiit derive their natural form from the moons of Nirn, their peculiar tie to such is in no way related to lycanthropy, for, unlike that disease, it is neither contagious nor temporal. A Khajiit will retain its form of birth throughout their life and the moons, although they affect in what form the Khajiit will be born, do not affect it after that. Furthermore, there are no known shapeshifting Khajiit.
So the ones in Arena being the Ohmes and the ones in Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind being Suthay-raht. So what's ESO going to do? Just go with Suthay-raht or actually have a couple different types? It seems like they are just going with one type. And I know I'm not the only one who knows this.
I hope they don't betray the Orc strongholds that they set up in Skyrim. It's not a subtle hidden thing either.
Their new demo video has got my interest peaked. One tiny thing bugged me in that at one point in the movie they show what looks like a Dunmer and the white hair made it look a little too drow-ish for my taste.
On to the graphics.
You've done it again you magnificent bastards.
On the colors and some of the characters:
Meh. Sometimes it looks too much like Wow. And that isn't necessarily a good thing. They keep saying they're not another WoW clone but they need to prove it to us skeptics. It's pretty, but even after playing Oblivion which is the brightest of the later 3 games, it seems too bright. You don't need to focus on the people you've already won over. The Bethesda obsessees and the MMO freaks you'd really have to piss them off to get those guys away. Try getting the cheap asses and the people that aren't sure about going back to MMOs. I haven't been on one in a while. Don't do monthly payments, it's dying. Do something so that "everyone can play" like you said. Show me why I should play more PC online games, give me an excuse to use my docking station for my laptop for something other than homework. That is my challenge I give to you Bethesda. Do you accept this quest?