This was my first Harvest Moon game. And it's one of those that will always be dear to my heart. It's not one that's that innovative and that's okay. It was just the female version of Friends of Mineral Town, that was just the GBA version of Harvest Moon 64. It was true to its core, it had good characters, and it was fun to piss off the shipping guy when you didn't have anything in the shipping bin
So basically the opposite of this
There's no real plot past you got bored of the city and decided to start fresh in the country. But it's a simple plot's okay when it's done well, and it is. And there's a drinking competition that you get to judge.
Best evening ever.
Magical Melody
Honestly its a lot of fun and the first game to do a lot of elements that appear in later games and do them well. Fatigue is done better and you can move around your buildings as much as you'd like, and I think this is the only one with a two story house. I think it has some weak points, the baby never grows to a kid, and crop quality is erratic, but its a lot of fun and the style is incredibly cute.
That and yet again the bar is a great place.
I would definitely recommend it if you like the Harvest Moon series and hope for a reboot with a couple of things touched up for the 3DS.DS Cute
This was game was a marriage between MFoMT and A Wonderful Life. And that's partially why its down here and not up with More Friends of Mineral Town. It doesn't have the same amount of bachelors as there were bachelorettes in just DS. And honestly I feel that For-get-me-not Valley has weaker bachelors than almost any of the other games, but its fun and I'd play it again, if it wasn't about $40 now.
Sunshine Islands
This one also has some great bachelors and its a lot of fun, but the problem is that its has a lot of micro managing that you need to have a piece of paper for, otherwise you'll be wondering if you got some of the stones or not. There are like 110 or something of the damn things and there are a lot of very similar ones. But its a lot of fun and has some of the best original sets of bachelors and bachelorettes since Magical Melody.
And this doesn't count the special ones.
*Inset Hunger games pun here*
It's fun, just the cooking competitions are every week, and it starts to get old really fast. Especially in the beginning when you know barely any recipes. And the marriage candidates are all just meh.
A New Beginning
You go to the farm that you inherited from your family and like a lot of the other ones, bring the town new life. But this time you build everything, which sometimes surprises me, like when they request a mansion to be built. Which it seems weird that they get the farmer to do this
More realistic version of how it would turn out
But overall the characters are interesting, the events are fun and everything plays well. Just seriously, why am I doing all the building?
Tale of Two Towns (3DS)
Tale of Two Towns came out in that awkward time when the DS wasn't quite phased out, but the 3DS was starting to kick into full gear. So its the only dual game. And that's why this one is down here. Unless you want to play in 3D, it doesn't add much, in fact, unless you have the 3D on, the text is sometimes a little blurry. And it bothers me to the point that it gets bumped down here.
Tree of Tranquility
This game, for me was just kind of weird. I love some of the extra animals that were introduced, like goats, ostriches, and even the silk worms, but that was about as far as I got in liking it. I didn't like the characters too much, I didn't like the art style, and the handling felt weird. I tried to get to the end, but just couldn't.
A Wonderful Life
It just didn't feel like it had too much going on, and was a little weird in areas. Like the hermit stealing your food, or the Harvest sprites that don't really do anything. And one of my biggest pet peeves was you could only ship dairy products, you couldn't ship any of your crops, you had to sell them. Overall, I just found it pretty boring, maybe because I was just a kid, but I think mainly because there wasn't much to do. But I think it does have one of the funniest glitches in any game yet.
You spin me right round baby right round~
Grand Bazaar
This is the only game I don't feel I gave a fair chance. And that's mainly because I thought I was buying Tale of Two Towns, not Grand Bazaar. So I was annoyed that I bought the wrong game. I'm actually going to try it again, now that I have a different state of mind with it.
Anyways, the idea is that this town used to be the biggest Bazaar in the world, but it has fallen in its greatness. So you must help them bring it back to life. Its slow and a little awkward if I remember correctly.
Any others I left off were, again, because I haven't played them and with exceptions to possibly ones that are on Nintendo's virtule console, here's why
- I don't own the console and don't plan on buying one anytime soon.
- The games are iterations of some mentioned here, (different console but same game, boy/girl versions, basically the same concept and same area, but slightly different)
- Some of them are hard to find at a decent price.