Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Political Time!

So I got Pokemon Black 2 and while that's fine and dandy, PETA made a "parody" of it. And I haven't even bothered to look at it since the "Mario shows its okay to kill animals" episode because he wears a Tanooki suit and how they blew that out of proportion. This person on Tumblr says it best: PETA- You're Doing it Wrong. And honestly, if you really think Pokemon is about animal cruelty, then play the damn games. And I don't think they get the irony of their bad guy being a Team Plasma boss rip off. It just annoys me to no end about how ignorant they are about the games they shame.

In other news, Colleen Lachowicz is under fire for playing World of Warcraft. I can't get over how stupid an argument this is, how trivial it is that she plays a game. Not out with hookers or rent boys or mistresses, just playing a game for fun. 
And some people are freaking out because she's a level 85 Orc Assassination Rogue. Which infers that she doesn't do work or anything besides play WoW. You know, with some people, you could maybe make that argument, but if you're campaigning for a senate seat, you can't be someone who just sits and plays WoW. So stop inferring that she's similar to a stereotypical nerdy teen on the weekend. Because she can't be, she just likes killing stuff that isn't real to have fun. 

This is it because if I delve any deeper politically, I might offend too many more people, and my blog's too small to support that right now.

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