Sunday, July 12, 2015

In Memory of Mr. Iwata

This evening I learned that Satoru Iwata had died. I never new Iwata, or even some of the great things that people have been talking about all of the amazing things he has done both as a programmer, but also as a person. I've learned a lot about him in the last few hours. It has been trending on Tumblr and if you're interested Kotaku has some things that he has done, one of the most noble is of him accepting a 50% pay cut so those that were lower in Nintendo didn't have to get layed off.

I never really knew of his influence, but I do know how he impacted my life. Without Pokemon, a game that without him wouldn't have existed, I'm not sure how I'd be able to cope during my darkest days.It gave me friendships I thought I'd never have and most importantly, fun. Pokemon served a critical role throughout my life, and so, without me knowing, he influenced me. Thank you Mr. Iwata, for everything.

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